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A Day in the Life at BigCommerce – Tech Support Ninja

Aug 26, 2019

Hey there, avid readers! Another day, another great interview for our ‘A Day in the Life at BigCommerce’ blog series. We’re putting hardworking employees to the forefront of industry dialogue and allowing them to showcase the important things they do on the day-to-day grind. 

We hope the last couple of interviews have been engaging for our audience and have given insight into just how interconnected every position is—not only for BigCommerce, but also the industry as a whole. We, here at DigitlHaus, are happy to help foster a supportive professional environment where we’re all rooting for each other’s success (unless perhaps you’re with another service, cough cough,, Shopify).

Anyway, without further ado, here is our latest interview with Tech Support Ninja, Libby Cupps. Her work at BigCommerce is helping merchants and partners alike solve problems and keep things running smoothly. Read more below! 

1. What is a Tech Support Ninja?
A Tech Support Ninja is someone that listens, understands, has patience, uses all resources, goes above and beyond, and makes the best of hard situations to give the best support they are able to give to BigCommerce clients.

2. Do you work with BigCommerce partners, if so how?
As a Tech Support Ninja, we do sometimes work with partners even though we have a partner support team designated to them. We work with our partners in some common ways like helping them get started on the path to becoming a Technology or Design Partner with us, assisting with any trouble signing into their partner account and even troubleshooting some platform concerns they come across assisting their/our clients. In my experience, BigCommerce partners have brought up a lot of things that have helped our platform become a better one for our clients.

3. If I am a client and my color swatches are not assigning to my products, what would be the fastest way I could get this issue resolved?
If color swatches are not assigning to products, the first thing I would suggest as the fastest way to get this resolved would be to check our support articles on Product Options at support.bigcommerce.com. We have a few step-by-step articles explaining the process for creating and applying options and also have a video showing how to apply options to certain products. Since this information is right at our client’s fingertips with screenshots and examples, it is most likely the fastest support route; however, if the swatches are not displaying even after following those steps or there are certain steps that need more clarification, please reach out to our support so we can help make sure you are on the right track! We don’t want our clients spending hours of their valuable time on something we could help them with!

4. What is the best part of your job, the part that makes you come back to the office the next day?
The part of my job that makes me come back to the office is the culture and the perks. (It was hard to choose just 1 thing!) The environment we have is one of a kind and BigCommerce does its best to make sure they are hearing what we have to say and growing with our culture in a flexible way. Everything is transparent and supportive making it really easy to feel like our individual growth is being invested in as well as the company’s.

5. What other BigCommerce teams do you work closely with and how?
As a Ninja, we work closely with many other teams every day. This includes our Product Support Engineers, Account Managers, Client Development team, and Community team to name a few. We receive support contacts from clients of all sizes and many with very complex issues. Our Product Support Engineers are always there communicating with us internally when we aren’t sure what the next troubleshooting step may be and providing knowledge on things they are aware of but we may not have seen contacts on yet. Since we work with clients of all different business sizes, some of them work with a dedicated Account Manager and getting in contact with them to notify them of anything major is essential. Our Client Development team works hard to make sure our clients are using the integrations and services that work the best for them and their business. If we have questions about solutions to make our client’s lives easier, they are the ones we can contact and get the information needed to put them on the right track. Our Community team is always up to date on the top ideas our clients have; they know what our partners can and cannot do, assist us in real time if we have any hard troubleshooting questions and always try to make our life as a ninja easier.

6. What are the top 5 most ridiculous questions you get asked?
1. When is BigCommerce going to mail me my products to sell?
2. How can customers sign into my website to sell their own products?
3. How do I reset my login password?
4. What is the name of my website and how do I get to it? (Domain name)
5. How do I change a specific color on the website?

7. What are the top 5 most common questions you get asked?
1. How can I add options to my products?
2. What types of discounts can I offer? (Or specific discount possibilities)
3. I am unable to sign into the website; Password sign-in error
4. I pointed my domain name and I’m unable to see my control panel
5. Does BigCommerce keep backups of my website?

8. What is the most rewarding part of your job? 
The most rewarding part of my job, for me, has to be seeing results from troubleshooting efforts. Being able to find alternate workarounds or better solutions and seeing them work is the best. Of course, the reaction from our clients when achieving this plays a big part in that reward, too!

9. What is the longest time a Ninja has ever spent on the phone with a client?
The longest time a Ninja has ever spent on the phone with a client was probably about 3 hours. It doesn’t happen TOO often, but I have seen some around 3 hours before and have had a few 1 and a half to 2 hour calls myself.

10. What types of support do you offer? And is it really offered 24/7 and Holidays?
As a Ninja, the support we offer varies greatly since there is so much that we see day to day. We help with general onboarding, solution recommendations, general and sometimes advanced SEO practices, multi-channel selling, and so much more. The only limitation we currently hold is making design changes to our clients websites. With that being said, I still think that reaching out to our support is a good idea so we can see if we can pinpoint the issue, provide an alternate solution we know about, or suggest a professional partner to assist with the changes. We really are 24/7 and are here on Holidays; this applies to our chat support, phone support and email support!

11. What advice do you have to BigCommerce users that have never used the platform but want a general understanding on how to manage their store, products and setup?
The best advice that I could give a BigCommerce user that has never used the platform is to utilize our support articles, videos, Community and 24/7 support. Aside from this, I would go over the basic necessities needed to transact on the website and get them started with a few sections of the platform so they can start to see their website come together as their own. Since all new stores have sample products and images, it can be hard for new users to really see what their website would look like, especially when they don’t have a lot of experience with eCommerce or selling online. Giving easy start-up information and support options can go a really long way!

Thank you so much, Libby! Your patience and professional guidance at BigCommerce is helping make a huge difference in the lives of partners like DigitlHaus, as well as contributing to the successes of our clients and their businesses. 

Next interview blog post coming soon. Don’t forget to read it!


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